Market Reality: Mimesys Joins Magic Leap, Samsung Funds DigiLens & Lenovo Moves in on Microsoft's AR Territory

Mimesys Joins Magic Leap, Samsung Funds DigiLens & Lenovo Moves in on Microsoft's AR Territory

Magic Leap and Samsung are putting their money where their augmented reality plans are, with the former acquiring an AR collaboration technology and the latter funding a waveguide display maker.

Meanwhile, Lenovo and startup Tilt Five are preparing their own augmented reality hardware entries into the AR space in two decidedly different ways.

Magic Leap Buys Mimesys for Undisclosed Amount

Just months after we previewed the augmented reality, volumetric video conferencing powers of Mimesys, the company has undergone a major change — it's now a part of Magic Leap.

On Thursday, Magic Leap announced the acquisition of the Belgium-based startup that allows Magic Leap One users to engage in real-time telepresence conference calls using volumetrically captured avatars representing their real bodies.

Continue reading to find out how Magic Leap may deploy the technology and team from Mimesys in its spatial computing ecosystem...

REALITY BITES: The tenth edition of the Augmented World Expo (AWE) kicks off on May 29 in Santa Clara, California. If you don't already have your tickets, you might be able to go for free on us! Check out our AWE Giveaway for more details.

Samsung, Niantic Fund DigiLens in $50 Million Round

Smartglasses are the future of augmented reality, and Samsung is betting on waveguide maker DigiLens to emerge as a leader in the growing AR wearable industry.

On Tuesday, the company closed a $50 million Series C funding round that counts Samsung's venture arm and Pokémon GO maker Niantic among its investors.

Read further to find out what DigiLens plans to do with its fresh injection of capital and how it might fit into the future plans of Samsung and Niantic...

REALITY BITES: Unity's Tony Parisi recently offered some deep thoughts about how technology, including augmented reality, is driving the move from 2D computer interfaces to 3D.

Lenovo Takes on Microsoft with HoloLens Competitor, AR App Platform

Now that Microsoft has squarely focused on the enterprise market with the HoloLens 2, it appears Lenovo is content to play follow-the-leader with its new augmented reality headset.

On May 13 at its Accelerate conference in Orlando, Florida, Lenovo unveiled the ThinkReality platform, which includes an enterprise-focused augmented reality headset — which actually borrows quite a few design cues from the HoloLens 2 — along connected devices, sensors, and a development platform that gives businesses the tools to create augmented reality apps for the headset.

Read on to learn more about the specs of the ThinkReality AR headset and platform and what they can offer enterprise customers...

REALITY BITES: Conferences are like Thanksgiving, you're always full (of information) when its done, but there's plenty left over to digest later. The same is true of Google I/O. This week, catch up with Austin McCasland, UX designer and prototyper, and Diane Wang, lead UX designer, as they provide tips for adding AR to apps.

Tilt Five Rises from castAR's Ashes

While augmented reality industry continues to grow, analog board games are also making a comeback. So, why not join the two together?

That's the gist behind Tilt Five, an augmented reality headset that projects 3D content onto a game board. Players interact with the games via a handheld controller that looks like a Nintendo Wii controller with Harry Potter's wand stuck on one end.

Continue reading to find out more about Tilt Five's smartglasses and why they may seem a bit familiar...

Every Friday, Next Reality reviews the latest headlines from the financial side of augmented and mixed reality. This weekly Market Reality column covers funding announcements, mergers and acquisitions, market analysis, and the like. Check out previous editions of Market Reality for more news you may have missed.

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Cover image via Mimesys/YouTube

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