Exclusive: Meta Company Asks Court for More Time in Patent Infringement Lawsuit Case

Meta Company Asks Court for More Time in Patent Infringement Lawsuit Case

The legal drama framing the closure of Meta Company continues even after the company's assets have been sold to a new owner.

In the latest legal filing, representatives for Meta Company have asked the court to vacate the default judgment against the company Next Reality reported on in February.

The new legal letter, which was made public on Feb. 19, aggressively refutes Genedics' patent infringement claim as it asks for more leeway from the court.

"Meta Company requests that the Court vacate the default judgment that was handed down on January 29, 2019," wrote John Sines, who lists himself as the chief financial officer of the group defending the lawsuit, known as Meta Company.

Image via US District Court Delaware

"Unfortunately, at that time, Meta's assets were in the process of being sold, the company was initiating its dissolution process and was therefore unable to retain counsel. Within the next 45 days, Meta will have the resources to do so and it is extremely important for us to defend against what we consider to be a completely unjustified claim."

Meanwhile, around the same time as Meta sent the letter, eagle-eyed Next Reality readers spotted a Meta 2 booth at the Solidworks World conference in Dallas, Texas. The conference, which started on Feb. 10 and lasted until Feb. 13, featured a full display setup that allowed users to sample how the Meta 2 headset works. Several attendees posted images and video of the device at the event.

Attendees at Solidworks World in Dallas, Texas, trying the Meta 2 in February. Images by Karl Maddix/Twitter, Eloace/Twitter

However, the pairing of Solidworks and Meta isn't new. The two companies announced a partnership this time last year. And although the future of the company's assets under the new ownership of Meta View (a separate entity from Meta Company) is unknown, based on the interaction from attendees at the event, there's still some interest in the product in general.

The court hasn't filed a public response to the request from Meta Company's team, but if accepted by the court, the move would, as of this writing, give Meta Company just 24 more days to come up with new legal counsel to properly answer the charges filed with the court.

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Cover image via Meta Company/YouTube

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