News: Vuzix & CyberTimez to Help Vision-Impaired Vets Through the Wounded Warrior Program

Vuzix & CyberTimez to Help Vision-Impaired Vets Through the Wounded Warrior Program

CyberTimez and the Wounded Warrior Program, using the Vuzix M300 monocular smartglasses, are teaming up to help supply veterans with little to no sight. The overarching goal here is helping these injured service members to find a new level of independence in a sight driven world.

The Wounded Warrior Program, a project designed to serve veterans and military service members on or after September 11th, 2001, has served just over 105,000 service members and the families of just under 25,000. With many focuses including physical and mental health and wellness, as well as career guidance, and general financial support for the severely injured, WWP is designed to help fill in the gaps that can be left with government care.

"This is a tremendous opportunity for Vuzix to leverage our smart glasses and augmented reality technology to help American veterans, including our nation's veterans and wounded warriors impacted by low vision and blindness improve their overall quality of life," said Paul Travers, President and Chief Executive Officer at Vuzix and NR50 member.

Image via CyberTimez

In a deal designed to last 4 - 5 years — using an artificial intelligence based augmented reality platform, Cyber Eyez, in conjunction with the Vuzix M300s — CyberTimez, and WWP plan to help 175,000 veterans with sight injuries.

Provided functionality of the proposed setup will include:

  • Object magnification(up to 15x)
  • Text to speech in over 100 languages
  • Object recognition of over 16 billion objects
  • The ability to recognize thousands of colors
  • Product recognition through barcode scanning
  • Mood detection on faces

"We are very excited to help our nation's greatest warriors impacted by low vision and blindness to maintain and regain their independence," commented Sean Tibbetts, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of CyberTimez. "With Cyber Eyez, the Vuzix M300 is enhancing our nation's American veterans and wounded warriors lives and enabling them to resume their daily tasks, find jobs and regain their independence."

"Our goal with this project at the Wounded Warrior Program is to outfit thousands of American veterans and wounded warriors impacted by low vision and blindness, both men and women with smart glasses to help them find jobs, improve their quality of life and give them financial independence," commented Dr. David Godbold, National Director of the Wounded Warrior Program.

Augmented reality use-cases that are designed to help those in need are not only some of the most worthwhile use-cases, they are also some of the most technically challenging ones as well. The first step in making that challenging software is a solid and stable hardware platform. Vuzix, who has been making smartglasses longer than the term has existed, seems a good choice for this type of project.

The idealist in me loves the idea that maybe one day the technology we work with will eradicate war forever. Until that day comes, this technology being used to help those severely affected by war seems a good alternative.

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Cover image via CyberTimez

1 Comment

Thanks so much for the GREAT article! One minor correction...the link to Wounded Warrior Program is incorrect. It should be Thanks again and keep up the great coverage!

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