News: Snapchat Presidential Inauguration Lens Lets You Be in the Crowd at Joe Biden's Historic Event

Snapchat Presidential Inauguration Lens Lets You Be in the Crowd at Joe Biden's Historic Event

The United States is poised to begin a new political era this week, but due to recent events in Washington, D.C., as well as the ongoing pandemic, the traditional inauguration crowds are absent.

Nevertheless, thanks to the power of Snapchat, you can be there, virtually.

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A new Lens released by President-elect Joe Biden's team allows you to put yourself on the steps of the Capitol Building in celebration of the new U.S. president's entry into office.

Images via Joe Biden

In addition to framing you in a winter cap and showering you with virtual confetti, flipping the selfie camera around while in the Snapchat app also lets you see yourself in the crowd among all the other dignitaries as Biden delivers a pre-recorded message.

To access the Lens, simply open the Snapchat app for iOS or Android and scan the code below, or click this link.

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Cover image via Biden Campaign/Snapchat

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