News: This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure AR Game Makes the Merge Cube a Compelling Stocking Stuffer

This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure AR Game Makes the Merge Cube a Compelling Stocking Stuffer

Did you forget to get a Christmas gift for that niece or nephew who you see once a year?

If you're lucky, the Walmart near you may have a Merge Cube in stock. When paired with the 57° North game for the Merge Cube, the mysterious-looking cube offers the possibility of extended sessions of virtual adventure in the palm of your hand.

Image by Mighty Coconut/YouTube

Available for $2.99 through the App Store or Google Play, 57° North is a choose-your-own-adventure game that takes place in augmented reality.

Merge Cube acts as a six-sided marker which a smartphone scans to reveal AR content. In 57° North, the content takes the form of animated comic panels that tell the story of two children stranded in a strange land. The Merge Cube also acts as the user interface, with players turning the cube toward the decision they want to make.

Image by Mighty Coconut/YouTube

There doesn't seem to be much room for marker-based AR experiences now that ARKit is here and ARCore is coming around the corner. However, 57° North offers an intriguing argument in favor of Merge Cube, which, up until now, offered just a handful of mini-games. Developer Mighty Coconut claims that, depending on choices made in the story, a single run-through of the story can last up to an hour.

Merge Cube is available through Amazon or Walmart. Also available are the Merge VR/AR Goggles, which make viewing the content on the Merge Cube easier; however, any Cardboard-compatible headset will do.

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Cover image via Mighty Coconut/YouTube

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