News: Samsung Bringing ARCore Support to Galaxy S8+ & Note 8

Samsung Bringing ARCore Support to Galaxy S8+ & Note 8

As part of the Samsung Development Conference today, Samsung unveiled that they will expand support for Google's ARCore platform to include the Galaxy S8+ and Galaxy Note 8.

Clay Bavor, Google's vice president of virtual and augmented reality, took the stage at the Moscone Center in San Francisco to make the announcement. He also noted that future phones will support the platform as well.

Excited to be working with Samsung to bring ARCore to even more Galaxy devices. S8+ and Note8 coming soon. Future phones will support, too.

Image by Clay Bavor/Twitter

When Google introduced their answer to Apple's ARKit in August, the Pixel and Samsung Galaxy S8 were the only devices supporting the platform, with more promised. Given its early mover advantage, it was a foregone conclusion that the large Galaxy S8+ and the newer Note 8 would not be far behind in supporting ARCore.

Those in attendance at the conference can learn more about ARCore development from Nathan Martz, Google product manager, who will present "ARCore: Augmented Reality at Android Scale" tomorrow at 1 pm Pacific in Session Room #2010.

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Cover image via Kent Bye/Twitter

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