News: LG Partners with CEVA to Develop 3D Camera Module

LG Partners with CEVA to Develop 3D Camera Module

Though Google and Apple have released their own software-based toolkits for AR, components suppliers continue to advance their technology to better support AR experiences on the hardware side.

The latest example comes from LG Electronics, who have partnered with signal processing IP licensor CEVA to develop a 3D camera module for use in smartphones and robots.

Packing a Rockchip RK1608 coprocessor and multiple CEVA-XM4 imaging and vision digital signal processors (DSPs), the module is designed to carry out AR functions like 3D scanning, and hand tracking, among other similar operations.

"There is a clear demand for cost-efficient 3D camera sensor modules to enable an enriched user experience for smartphones, AR and VR devices and to provide a robust localization and mapping (SLAM) solution for robots and autonomous cars. Through our collaboration with CEVA, we are addressing this demand with a fully-featured compact 3D module, offering exceptional performance thanks to our in-house algorithms and the CEVA-XM4 imaging and vision DSP," said Shin Yun-sup, principal engineer at LG Electronics.

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Cover image via LG

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