News: Here's How Anyone Can Create an AR Snow Globe Scene Using Adobe Aero & Some Holiday Imagination

Here's How Anyone Can Create an AR Snow Globe Scene Using Adobe Aero & Some Holiday Imagination

Just because 2020 has been rough for most of the planet, there's no reason you can't enjoy a bit of holiday cheer as you prepare to say goodbye to this year using the power of augmented reality.

If you're living in an area that's warm, but you'd still like to experience "a white Christmas," that's now possible thanks to the Adobe Aero app.

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Adobe and partner game studio, San Francisco-based Rolling Heads, have published an animated AR snowman and ice reindeer scene that effectively puts a virtual life-sized snow globe in your real-world space.

Image by Adobe/Rolling Heads

To get the experience working, just download the free Adobe Aero app for iOS or Android, then either scan the QR code below or just click this link to get started.

The best part of this is that for any budding AR developers out there, the team also published a detailed tutorial on exactly how the experience was created, using tools including Zbrush, Maya, and the Adobe Aero desktop app, in case you'd like to create your own.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Cover image via Adobe & Rolling Heads/Behance

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