News: Doritos & Mountain Dew Remix Their Super Bowl Songs of Fire & Ice on Snapchat

Doritos & Mountain Dew Remix Their Super Bowl Songs of Fire & Ice on Snapchat

After pouring out $10 million for 60 seconds of Super Bowl advertising time, Doritos and Mountain Dew continued their Sunday marketing binge on Snapchat.

For their spot during the game, Doritos and Mountain Dew staged a lip-synched rap battle between highly meme-able actors Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) and Morgan Freeman standing in as champions for Doritos Blaze and Mountain Dew Ice and fake-spitting bars from Busta Rhymes and Missy Elliot, respectively.

The face-off continued via a Snapchat Sponsored Lens, where users could choose sides between the #doritosblaze (Dinklage and Busta Rhymes) and #mtndewice (Freeman and Elliot) by nodding their head to the left to choose fire or right to choose ice.

Images by Busta Rhymes/Twitter

Snapchat offered users a few additional game-themed effects to play with as well (see below). One of the camera effects promoted Justin Timberlake's new album, Man of the Woods, letting you don an outdoorsy beard, while another gave you a chance to become a virtual football player.

Images by Tommy Palladino/Next Reality

However, among Super Bowl advertisers, the Doritos and Mountain Dew alliance was the only brands with a Sponsored Lens during the game. When you're paying $5 million for 20 seconds, what's another $1 million for a day's sponsorship on Snapchat? (H&R Block had a Sponsored Lens during the game, but it didn't appear to be an advertiser for the game, but rather for tax season in general.)

The brands' social strategy appears to have paid off, though. According to Ad Age, the ad outpaced its rivals in terms of views prior to the game, topping 28.9 million views.

If you somehow haven't already seen the ad, it's embedded below for your viewing pleasure.

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Cover image Busta RhymesInstagram

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