News: Apple Appoints Marketing Leader Behind iPhone Launch to Push Augmented Reality Products

Apple Appoints Marketing Leader Behind iPhone Launch to Push Augmented Reality Products

While Apple augmented reality smartglasses are not yet official, the tech giant is ramping up its resources by appointing company veteran Frank Casanova to promote its augmented reality offerings.

Casanova has worked at Apple for about 30 years, most recently as the leader for marketing iPhones with wireless carriers. He was notably as part of the team that launched the original iPhone, and contributed to marketing Apple's audio and video products, such as Quicktime.

On Monday evening, Bloomberg reported the move, citing Casanova's updated LinkedIn profile.

By appointing Casanova to its augmented reality products team, Apple is indicating its seriousness with regard to AR, considering his previous, vital role in one of the company's most successful product launches.

However, the scope of the company's augmented reality product marketing is not yet clear. The company's current augmented reality products revolve around the ARKit platform and a handful of iOS apps, like Measure, Clips, and Animojis.

Also, based on Casanova's role in working with wireless partners, promoting AR apps from developers is also within the realm of possibility.

Currently, Apple is reportedly testing depth sensors for the rear camera on next-generation iPhones, while smartglasses or AR/VR headsets are rumored to be ready for launch in 2020.

Therefore, it's not too early to start formulating a marketing plan for the big reveal of what may be Apple's next big product line.

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Cover image via Apple/YouTube

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