News: Avegant Light Field Technology Now Available to AR Display Makers via Development Kits

Avegant Light Field Technology Now Available to AR Display Makers via Development Kits

Avegant Corporation has begun shipping display development kits based on its light field technology that other companies can use in their augmented and mixed reality devices.

The light field displays are capable of multiple focal planes, which give virtual objects a realistic appearance at various distances. For instance, an object placed in a user's immediate vicinity would be displayed in sharper focus than objects meant to be situated in the background. As a result, users can interact with objects and interfaces with more precision and observe the content with greater comfort to the eye.

Image by Avegant/Vimeo

The kits include software, hardware, and support services, as well as sample code for Unity and other development platforms. The kits are compatible inside-out, outside-in, and hand tracking systems; according to a spokesperson, Avegant typically uses SteamVR, WorldViz, and Leap Motion for internal development.

"Since announcing our first Light Field displays earlier this year, Avegant has been flooded with requests from companies that can't wait to get their hands on this new technology. Demand took off like a rocket, so we're launching a development kit designed specifically to meet that demand," said Eric Trabold, chief business officer at Avegant, in a statement.

By making the kits available to others, Avegant expects to become a catalyst for electronics manufacturers to develop their own products more rapidly. Avegant has already begun working on prototypes with a number of hardware and software makers. While the company is mum on who they are working with, a spokesperson noted that we can expect to hear more in 2018.

Image by Avegant/Vimeo

"By solving the display problem, Avegant enables companies to dramatically accelerate the development of their own mixed reality products. This technology is absolutely required for the kinds of mixed reality experiences we all want," said Trabold.

Pricing and availability of the kits are dependent on the customer's needs. Avegant can provide a range of configurations, from light field display modules to head-mounted displays to complete systems with PCs and tracking. Interested parties are encouraged to email for more information.

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Cover image via Avegant Corporation

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